Immigration Law



Family Petitions






Adjustment of Status


Is your immigration status making you tense? Do you feel insecure or unprotected?

Regardless of your immigration status, Karina Ordonez Law Office, PLLC is ready and prepared to assist you in the best possible manner, whether your goal is to:

– Stay protected if you are a victim of a crime or labor trafficing
– Apply for a work visa or check its status
– Apply for your permanent resident status
– Stay protected against unfortunate events that could occur if you are a permanent resident
– Stay protected if you are under DACA
– Stay protected even if you are undocumented
– Apply for citizenship
– Sponsor a family member who might be interested in living and working in the US
– Appeal your immigration case
– Appeals regarding Removal Proceedings
– Board of Immigration Appeals
– 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Petition for Review

Protecting you and your family is our top priority, and that is why our team is more than qualified to not only solve the problem but also find a way for you to potentially get citizenship.

Karina Ordonez Law Office, PLLC not only assists you with solving your problem; our team also informs you of the current situation and lets you know, step-by-step, each execution plan in detail, because we care about your peace of mind. Here in Phoenix, Arizona, or anywhere across the nation, you are not alone, and you have a voice. Let us be your megaphone and execute your rights!

Getting a work visa might seem like a very difficult mission to accomplish, but with the right help, it is not. You are probably asking yourself about the easiest way to get a work visa or the quickest way to get a work permit. We have the answers to all your questions, because we care about you and your needs.

DACA students, workers, professionals, fathers, and mothers: you are not alone. We can help you find the most attainable way, providing you with the quickest DACA renewal process, and even assist you as you apply for a DACA permit, because we know how important it is for you, your family, and your wellbeing!

Your immigration status is important to you and to us! Stay protected, make your voice clear and loud, and exercise your rights! Give us a call, and be with the best—be with the right professional, for the right situation!

Immigration Law Articles


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